Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dieting, Weight Loss and Health Management

Panel: Wendy Capland, Founder of The Magic Parties and CEO of Vision Quest Consulting with Kate Harper of Kate Harper Coaching, and Melanie Holden of Physica Center for Healing and Education.

Special Guest: Donna Iacopucci

The Yummy-ness of girlfriends!

What is the magic that girlfriends bring to each other? What is so special about the girlfriends in our lives?

I would be interested in your thoughts so comment back to me right here on the blog.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paula journals 5-23-10

Why is it that whenever I go to seminar or meeting at the Career Center (Office of Workforce Development / Unemployment) I leave feeling much worse than when I arrived ?? There was an e-mail sent out regarding a two hour seminar on schooling to become a Phlebotomist and since I have been interested in getting involved in the medical field I thought "what great timing & what a great career". After the initial basic info was given the remainder of the 1/2 hour the meeting lasted was us being told how most of us would not qualify. (there were approx 20 in attendance and only 5 slots open) and again because of my "marketable skills" she doubted I would even be considered. WHAT ????? Don't these people live in the real world ?? Don't they know what it's like out there ?? And why do they have to be all doom and gloom all the time ?? Not only is it very humbling to be out of work and have to attend these meetings, but it is sooooo depressing having to be in such a negative environment. These workers need to get a clue and realize that although they are there to help us that they are doing the complete opposite - they are taking all the wind right out of our sails. The only good thing that came of this meeting was that I spoke to two other women - one has been out of work for over a year and the other has been out for almost two years and we all had the same feeling - we thought we were the only ones out there that have been out for so long and we all think that we must be doing something wrong to have bee unemployed for so long - especially with the feedback we get from this office. Oh well - onward and upward ??

My other dilemma I have had the past couple of weeks is when do you cross the line between being pro-active in your job search and being too aggressive ?? I applied for a job several weeks ago and whenever I have called to follow-up I have been given one excuse after the other - "I was on vaca", "Mothers Day set us back", "It has been an unusually busy week" always with the promise of a return call - guess what - no return call. I then received an e-mail from this company with a listing of all their job opportunities and the initial ones that I applied for are still on the list. How far do I push it - when do I try to escalate it to another person ?? At what point do I just "give up" and move on ?? This has been the issue right along - once I find a job opportunity that I would really like and apply to it - there is no response, no matter how many times you follow up. What gives ??

Being unemployed and having the lack of income and medical benefits has been extremely difficult, but it has taught me some valuable lessons. You realize that you can do without so much of what you thought you "needed" and still be happy with what you DO have. You downsize, cut back, re-group, re-think, and learn to live a much simpler life style which has been refreshing. BUT - what does one do when the unemployment runs out and you hit the bottom of the barrel - what then ?? That is where I stand right now - getting VERY nervous about that day and will I find some type of employment prior to that happening ??

Wish me luck as I continue my search as I wish you all luck in your searches - whatever they may be.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Coaching Conference

I'm at this great conference in New Mexico this week called Conversation Among Masters (CAM). It's designed specifically for master level coaches. Today I learned the real skinny about blogging from Jory des Jardins, who is a media consultant and co-founder of BlogHer. Haven't heard of BlogHer? BlogHer is the largest community of women who blog and they get 20+ million unique visitors per month! She was a good person to listen and learn from. Holy moley, my head is spinning with ideas!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paula journals 5-11-10

I'm baaaaack:

I had to take a few days off - back-up, clear my head and re-group. I need to rethink my exact goals, needs, ambitions and abilities. I need to think about what I "must" do versus what I "want" to do and possibly combine the two. I am sure that I don't really want to spend my time sitting in a cubicle, staring at a computer with a phone to my ear. Although I have always been good at it I'm sure that is no longer my life long career goal - butttt. Other than that, my two choices were something in the medical field or something in the animal care field. I thought the animal care field would be easier and more realistic at this "stage of my life" but so far I'm finding that this might not be the case. I'm wondering if maybe I need to find a job that will fulfill my "needs" and maybe do my animal work on the side, maybe on a volunteer basis to fulfill my "wants" ???? I might have the opportunity to work in the home care field. I'm also going to a seminar on becoming a Phlebotomist. I can only keep all my options open at this point and maybe - just maybe the healthcare option might be my better option??

My goal for this week is to research some networking options. I LUV attending the "Girls Night Out" meetings and some of the connections I've made, but it only being once a month leaves a void. I've been advised to keep networking as much as possible because you never know when you'll come across someone or something that will open doors for you. My old High School has an Alumni networking group, I'm also going to check local libraries and a couple of other leads I've been given. Hopefully I'll have some exciting news in my next blog.

Till then - keep reaching for the stars !!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Paula journals 5-6-10

SUPPORT - whatever thoughts or images this word congers up for you - NEVER underestimate it's power !!!!

There are many types of support out there - some women might see their Mom as their support or have a best friend - or maybe even several best friends, a loving spouse or significant other, or even a pet, maybe they belong to a support group, and some of you might just be lucky enough to have it ALL. Whatever "it" is that you use for support, it's power is amazing. Support can mean many different things and come in many different forms. Whether it's to put a smile on your face on a bad day or to give you a bigger smile on a good day, someone to tell you that everything is going to be ok or maybe someone to tell it to you straight. Someone to chat with, shop with, share the good and the bad, explore the future, reminisce about the past. Whatever the system you have and however you use "it", "it" has amazing powers and should be used generously.

During my time of being unemployed I have been lucky enough to have several good friends that are very supportive, kind & caring, especially over the past several months as I research my "re-invention" opportunities. I can call and chat with them, get together for dinner, even have a "put your head together and hash this out conversation". I have also been VERY lucky in connecting with a wonderful group of women thru "The Magic Parties, Girls Night Out" events. This is a group of amazing women who come together to both give and receive support, knowledge, friendship, ideas, and inspiration. This has been such a positive, uplifting experience for me. I have received more than I ever could have anticipated and hope that I have helped make the day of someone else along the way. So, you women out there, reach out to the friends you have and to those who you don't realize are your friends yet.

"We Women have a sixth sense about each other's needs. We understand the value of a comforting word, a heartfelt prayer, a reassuring smile . . . a quart of Rocky Road" ("Just us Girls, written by Julie Sutton)


Monday, May 3, 2010

Paula journals 5-3-10

Ahhh - the saga continues !!

In my first two blogs I mentioned going to a meeting to see if I could qualify for funding so I could attend school. At this meeting the opinion was that I have too many viable skills to qualify for any schooling. I did receive a follow-up phone call and - yes - they feel that the Accounting field is doing well, and with the skills I have in Credit, Collections and Accounts Receivable they feel I should be able to find a job in the Accounting arena. I again asked about updating my computer skills and they advised they would re look at that request, but if they did approve my request they have no funds for any programs until July.

I just pulled up a list of open jobs in the accounting field and checked out EVERYthing that was close to me geographically - how depressing. Most everything required degrees and/or skills that I don't posses. I even checked out part-time positions which I would not be opposed to at this point and I did find one that sounded very interesting - but - at 8 to 16 hours max a week - well - needless to say - I don't think that would fit the bill. I'm also signed up with several employment agencies and did an updated interview with one a couple of weeks ago. They advised me that the temp jobs are rapidly picking up and I should look forward to seeing some results soon. That was over two weeks ago and no a word back from them. SURPRISE - I just got a phone call from an agency - and - yes - they are working on things, but nothing that fits my needs at the moment. HMMMMM - ok - 18 months and counting !!!

I had a thought last week that maybe starting at the retail level would not only give me a job but good exposure at the same time !! I went on-line for a major pet store chain and went thru their application process and after 45 min I got to the end - only to have to answer a 90 question test - not only for one position but for all 5 positions that I showed an interest in (per their instructions)!! - ok - that was it for me. The next day I went to one of the store locations to speak to someone directly. The first women I spoke to was pleasant and tried to assist me - but - the Manger couldn't have been any more rude if he tried. One of the sales staff spoke up and advised that they weren't even hiring anyway and when I questioned about the open positions on their website she stated again that they were not hiring - again - very rude. This may be the store "where the pets go" but rest assured this is one place this pet owner will NOT go !!!

A couple of days later I went to a store of another major pet store chain and what a difference - everyone I spoke to was very pleasant and helpful. They were in fact hiring and advised that I go to their website to complete the application process and then someone gave me a business card and suggested I call to follow-up in a few days which I will do tomorrow. Wish me luck - again.

Ahhhhh the frustrations of being unemployed, job hunting, and just trying to get thru each and every day and keep a positive outlook.

A very special and smart person shared the following saying with me and I have it posted next to my computer and read it each time I'm at my desk - I hope it helps you as much as it is helping me.

" Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach" (Tom Robbins)

Till next time !!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paula journals 5-1-10

Click here to watch Paula on TV tell her story.

Hello Again (isn't that a song ? )

Well - to follow-up with you all - I went to the orientation at the MSPCA, Nevins Farm, Methuen, MA on Sunday and when I walked away after a full three hours all I could say and think was - WOW !!!!!! What an amazing facility and operation they have. This shelter has been in operation since the 1800's and currently takes in over 7,000 animals per year - and to think there are only approx 20 employees - EVERYthing else is done strictly by volunteers - 450 of them to be exact. The "Shelter Animals" break down into three groups, 1) Dogs, 2) Cats and 3) Small Mammals - which would be Bunnies, Ferrets, Birds, etc. - basically anything else that's not a dog or a cat. I first went into this with the thought of working with Dogs, but after listening to the people speak and taking the tour I decided to work with the Small Mammals - specifically the Bunnies. I made this decision because they had the greater need for volunteers and it is the area where I have the least comfort & knowledge - so I thought what better time to fill a need and learn something new at the same time.

I went back to the MSPCA today (Wednesday) for my Mentor Session. I'm not sure what I expected but I'm sure it wasn't cleaning out bunny cages for three full hours - but when I finished it felt sooooo good. I am even more impressed than I was on Sunday. What an incredible system they have -the facility, the animals, EVERYthing is so neat, clean, orderly. There are specific ways of doing most everything and it works ! Again, I am totally impressed with the fact that this is all done with volunteers that do this out of the goodness of their hearts and for the love of the animals. Speaking of love - I laid eyes on a dog at the Adoption Center and I lost my heart to her - I sure hope this doesn't happen each time I go there ??

My next step is to pick a specific date & time to volunteer then go back in for another Mentor Session to learn a little more about the basics of Bunny care & behavior so I can spend time helping to socialize these adorable, furry, loveable little friends.

My quest continues as I try to keep my magic dreams alive !!!!!!
