Thursday, July 31, 2008

Magic Party 2nd Annual Summer Retreat

Our 2nd annual Magic Party summer retreat last Saturday was wonderful. We were 18 courageous women declaring our dreams and working through a magical process led by Alexandria Hilton, Magic Party Faculty to manifest them into the world. It was exhilarating. It was scary. It was magical. The feedback we have received has been similar to this one,

“Thank you for a powerful day of deepening and expanding our visions and identifying what tools we will need for the journey!”

Alexandria Hilton sent the following email to participants after the retreat. We thought we would share this with you so you can use some of her suggestions to help you make your dreams come true too!

Hello Powerful Dreamers!

It was such a pleasure to work with all of you at the Second Annual Magic Party Retreat!

You all inspired me with your openness, courage and daring to declare your dreams. We are all on this journey together! I am excited to hear of your progress as you take the next steps to make your dreams a reality.

I invite you to use your Angel Guidance cards as a touchstone reminding you of your vision. Post them on your refrigerator, mirror, in your planner, where you will see, touch and read them.

Remember my warning about the old paradigm (the way you used to think of yourself and what was possible before coming to the retreat) conflicting with the new paradigm (the new way you are now stepping out into your dreams and living them starting right now) . Remember my warning that the old paradigm will morph into a new voice, a new objection, a new resistance (the old, ‘I could never do that” voice in your ears) and it is up to you to recognize it and choose what you will do based on your commitment.

This work is not easy. It is challenging, sometimes tedious, always demands that we grow. It is not for girls who only want to have fun; it is a journey for women who want their lives to matter and to realize their potential. This journey is for women who dare, who care, who stand together and support each other to be all they can be.

I welcome you into this amazing realm of discovery, new beginnings and being, doing and having what you have always wanted. It will take work. It will require support. Do not do this alone.

As you take the next steps to manifest your vision, be sure to call upon and utilize your allies (the support system of individuals you created). Wendy and I are partnering with each other to manifest our dreams and we now have a daily check-in with each other to keep the spark of creativity and the fullness of our visions alive!

To those of you who have chosen to work with the support of the tele-class, welcome and I am delighted to continue our work together. If you choose to go forward with your own support system, terrific, please let Wendy and me know how you are doing so we can share your success with the tele-class.

I have been a participant in a tele-class and I guarantee you that you will get out of it what you put into it. So, give it your best effort within the life you have with your families, careers, and other personal commitments.

Some of the benefits of working with a circle of women in the tele-class include:

1. You will be committing every two weeks to take the next steps in executing your plan and will be accountable.

2. The momentum increases when you are working with others supporting you, your results come more quickly.

3. You have others with whom to celebrate your successes.

4. You have the support of these women when you stumble, get

stuck, slow down or want to quit.

5. It is more fun and as Wendy would say, "yummy" to share

in this experience with women who care and want you to win!!

(To find out more about the teleclass, click here.)

Thank you again for bringing your willingness to grow and transform as a woman, a leader and as a visionary doing important work in the world. It was an honor to spend a day discovering our magnificence together. I look forward to hearing from you as your dreams and visions unfold and are realized.



Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Earth

I listened to Oprah's recent book discussion webclass with author Eckhart Tolle on his new book, "A New Earth". I so enjoyed Eckhart Tolle that I then bought the book and started reading it. Many things in this book started to resonate with me that I was musing to my friend Kate how great it would be to have help putting the teachings from the book into my life. She suggested we start a group book discussion like Oprah did but instead of listening to people talk ABOUT the book, we would talk about integrating what we learned into our lives. A group of us have been meeting on the phone, once a week for 8 weeks, (we have two weeks left) talking about and practicing one chapter at a time.

The things I have been learning through this simple but profound book has made a deep impact on my life! One thing I am practicing as a result of our book discussion group is no complaining...internally or externally. I never realized how much of my life I spend in complaint about other people. (Most of the time I complain inside my head to myself which does NOT make it better than complaining out loud.) The reason I am practicing not complaining is to be a more accepting person and more at peace. Complaining or wishing for something or someone to be different does not change them or make it so but instead just makes me frustrated and crabby and only has me in some sort of state of suffering. And why would I want to do this to myself? While practicing my new non complaining state I have been wondering, Why do I think people should do things my way? Why do I think situations should look the way I think they should look? Why is my happiness tied to things that happen in my life? What if I learned to be more accepting, would I be happier in life?

I am learning that the external world, of which I have found lots of opportunities to complain about cannot make me happy, make me feel safe, or tell me who I am. It is time for me to learn how to enjoy the experiences offered to me in my life without inner attachments to them so that I can be in a state of well being and contentment and maybe even bliss. Although I have a long way to go on this lesson, I am enjoying the practice and catching myself before or right after a complaint more of the time and even these small initial steps has me smiling more often,