Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prayer Changes Stuff

I was out on a walk this morning and saw a bumper sticker on a car that read, "Prayer Changes Stuff." What a great thought for the day!

Posted by Wendy Capland, The Magic Girl

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hope versus Faith

It’s the middle of the week and I’m winding down after another hectic day. I am reminded of the last Magic Party. The topic was faith. I’ve decided that until the next Magic Party in March, I’m going to focus on “faith”. One of the women I met at the party, Fiona, commented that hope and faith are two very different things. That made an impact on me. Thank you Fiona! Fiona said that hope is like the lottery – sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but faith is active. I’ve started to pay attention to my mind set – when do I use the word “hope” and when do I use the word “faith”.

I take martial arts with my son. We recently earned our camouflage belts and are now in the intermediate level class. At times, it can be very intimidating. The students in our class are a few belts away from becoming black belts, and they are in command of their forms and kicks and very self confident. Last night, the chief instructor called me to the front of the class to demonstrate how to use body language to lead by example. I had to demonstrate this by having my team follow my lead in doing jump front kicks with a lot of energy and perfect technique while giving no verbal instructions. As I’m standing there, I’m thinking “I hope I don’t make a complete fool of myself!” My first kick was a little off, but then I pulled it together and finished strong. It occurred to me afterwards that I used the word “hope” versus having “faith”. The life lesson for our martial arts cycle is “belief” – having a “yes I can” attitude. I think having faith in yourself is the same thing. If I have faith in myself, I have a “yes I can” attitude. The next time I get called up front I’m going to think “I can do this”! When I used the word “hope” in this situation, I allowed an opportunity to exist in my mind that I might “not” do well, and initially, I didn’t. I am gaining so much from attending our magic parties. I am becoming more aware of my “self-talk”, and rather than minimizing my opportunities, I am going to work on my faith and my “yes I can” attitude! Until next time, remember – “yes you can!”

If you would like to comment or engage in a conversation related to this topic, then click on the white comment envelope with the pencil next to it. We love to hear what you are thinking!

Posted by Kelly, Magic Party Council Member

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Calling of My Heart

You know, as I bubble over with excitement and share about my experiences with The Magic Parties to most woman I meet, I have noticed something remarkable – we are all on the same wavelength – experiencing the same calling. So many woman have said to me that they, too, feel a connection and pull toward connecting with other woman to support each other in finding and remembering the beauty within us and living the lives we dream of. I have been a “Magic Party attendee” since the beginning and I have to say, The Magic Parties have become a grounding experience (or should I say a flying experience) for me. Magic Parties support me in living the life that I know I can!

I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed with life and even stuck – I love the companionship of other woman who help me to get un-stuck! There has not been a Magic Party that I leave without feeling like the topics, the sharing, the inspiration was designed especially for me. It is always what I need to hear or experience – and experiencing it with such a dynamic group of woman makes it more amazing. I carry the messages on in all aspects of my life – mother, wife, career professional, woman of faith, friend, etc. Thank you to Wendy – for taking the calling in so many of our hearts and making it into a reality. The magic truly has just begun!!

If you would like to comment or engage in a conversation related to this topic, then click on the white comment envelope with the pencil next to it. We love to hear what you are thinking!

Posted by Donna Iacopucci, Magic Council member

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Magic Home Parties

I spent the better part of today working on The Magic Parties Home Party Guidebook; A complete guide with activities and step by step instructions to run your own Magic Home Party.

Although I think it's really good. Really easy to follow. A great vehicle for developing a community of women who will meet regularly to create fun, spirit and inspire each other to be their best. And I have had women say they can't wait to start a Magic Party in their own home, I wonder who will actually do it. Will it seem like too much of an effort? Will it seem too daunting? Will it not be as much fun for them as it has been for me and my girlfriends? I'm going to keep going and complete The Guide and see if the Universe is actually on to something as I continue to be guided along this journey.

If you would like to comment or engage in a conversation related to this topic, then click on the white comment envelope with the pencil next to it. We love to hear what you are thinking!

posted by Wendy, The Magic Girl

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our first charitable donation

I have always dreamed of making a difference in the body mind and spirit health of women all over the world.

My dream is starting to come true as The Magic Parties made our first donation to the Heal Breast Cancer Foundation. This wonderful non-profit organization’s mission is to clarify the many breast cancer myths, to raise public awareness, and to raise the funds necessary to research the cause and healing mechanism of cancer based on a biopsychosocial model of integrative medicine.

I am honored to have made a donation from us as I feel this is such a great cause.

The Wingprint Fund is our Magic Parties fund that provides financial, education, and interpersonal support to organizations that promote the health of women’s bodies, minds and spirits. 100% of the profits from the sales of our Magic products goes into this fund. We sell our products at our Magic Parties. Soon you will be able to buy products on our website, but for now, if you are interested in a Magic tote bag, Magic T-shirt, or Magic charm bracelet, email me at

If you also want to make a donation to the Heal Breast Cancer Foundation, they can be found at

If you would like to comment or engage in a conversation related to this topic, then click on the white comment envelope with the pencil next to it. We love to hear what you are thinking!

posted by Wendy, The Magic Girl

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wading into the waters of the woman you have yet to become

Sisterhood. Spirit. And a little chocolate.™

This phrase and our tag line beautifully describe our community of Magic Party women. We are an organization of women supporting women.


Doing our work in community with our girlfriends.


Getting in touch with the unseen parts of our lives that we can feel through intuition, prayer or meditation that allows us to manifest and create and do our work in this lifetime. And sometimes it feels like magic.

And a little chocolate.

To remind us to lighten up, have fun, and enjoy the sweetness of it all.

There is something new unfolding in the universe around the feminine. There is a shift in the universe towards reclaiming the feminine. Igniting the fires of feminine energy. Women who want to use goddess energy to make a difference in the lives of others and change the world. A whole new way, a feminine way, of being on the earth.

We need to help each other so that we can manifest what the universe has in store for us. It's important to have a safe place to come to where we can learn, be witnessed, be connected to and be supported by a community of women on the same path.

A place where we can remember who we really are, a place where we can listen to the deep source of wisdom within ourselves.

A place where we can fly, be empowered, vanquish our fears, and let go into who we really are in the world. And remember the magnificent woman that we really are so that when we experience her in all her beauty, it brings us to tears of joy and possibility. This is our community. Whether you are able to join us in person at a Magic Party or not, just by reading this publication, you are part of us, and us, you.

Imagining ourselves as glorious and magnificent with healing powers that may be unknown territory for many of us. Some of you reading this may not fully understand what we are saying. Or sometimes we know and then forget, because we are human. And some of us have more clarity about our purpose and are living it now. But maybe it is not quite enough for some reason. Maybe you are meant to do work in the world and you have just begun to dip your toe into the waters. I know I have just started to wade into the waters of the woman I have yet to become. And it's a bit scary and at the same time, exhilarating.

Magical Musings

Q. In what area of your life are you glorious and magnificent? Come on, don't be shy, say it loud and proud!

Q. What waters are you starting to think about dipping your toe into that seems like your life purpose work?

Posted by Wendy, The Magic Girl

If you would like to comment or engage in a conversation related to this topic, then click on the white comment envelope with the pencil next to it. We love to hear what you are thinking!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm so Glad

The Magic Parties are a really remarkable experience. I was musing on this today so thought I would write. I started attending them over a year ago and they remain a highlight in my schedule. “Oh, no. I have to wait all this time for the next one?” is what I will say. And then “Only a few more weeks until...” and finally, “Yeah! The party is tomorrow!” I have a very full and wonderful life, and I would put Magic Parties at the top of my list of fun things to do. Because they aren’t just fun. They are inspirational. They are transformational. They really are magical. Having leisurely time to commune with other women who are choosing to live their lives in extraordinary ways is the best Chocolate I know. We are a grand mix – some are top executives, some are Mom’s, some are part time volunteers, some are entrepreneurs. It doesn’t matter what you do, what counts is how you do it. Magic Party women inspire each other to live our lives with grace and depth, courage and commitment. And of course, to lighten up and indulge in a bit of chocolate when the moment is right! Thanks, Wendy, for inviting me into this wonderful community. I am so glad I came!

Posted by Melanie, Magic Council Member and Magic Faculty