Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Come to our summer retreat!

We have seven spaces left for our women's Magic Party retreat! The topic this year is intuition. Hear a little more about what to expect! If you are interested, register at "Events".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lab work done for less

My Lab Testing (http://www.mylabtesting.com/) is a clinical lab, located in facilities all over the United States, where you can have your own blood work and tests done to monitor your own health, at a fraction of the cost of traditional lab work and without having to use a doctor. And your results come to you on line in less than a week.

I used this service recently because my naturopath suggested blood work so the cost was out of pocket. I was delighted with both the cost and the results which came to me quickly with a clear explanation instead of to my doctor which takes forever to get results.