Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How Healthy Are Your Breasts?!

Everywhere I turn this month, there is some reminder to pay attention to the health of our breasts. We all have our favorite way of doing this. Some of us do self exams. Some of us have an annual mammogram. Some of us have breast thermography. And some of us hope by doing nothing at all, everything will turn out fine.

So many of us have stories related to breast cancer and I'm one of those. A few years ago, after being called back 3 times for magnifications during my annual mammogram, I was told I needed surgery, radiation and tamoxifen.

Since that scary time, I have started thermography as the method to take care of the health of my breasts. Thermography is a technology that picks up thermal changes in breast tissue. These thermal changes are the precursors for breast tissue anomalies that can become cancerous. Unlike a mammogram, a thermogram-a breast exam using thermography-isn’t invasive. No flattening, no pain, and and absolutely no radiation exposure. I like the idea of seeing abnormalities BEFORE they become cancer so I have a chance to do something about it and turn it around versus it being too late.

Learn about thermography for yourself and see if you too might benefit. Dr. Christiane Northrup, one of my heroines in the field of women's health has two great articles in which you can learn more about breast health and thermography.

Best Breast Test

and A Tale of Two Exams

If you are a local woman, I have my annual thermogram in Dedham, MA with Jackie Bell. Find out more here about her process of thermograpy at Natural Bell.

Here's to your breast health, this month and throughout the year.

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