Friday, April 10, 2009

Are you Emerging?

This century is being referred to by many as the Sophia century where women’s energy is predominating and the men who are in power and who are successful are those in touch with their feminine side.

I believe the whole collapse of the financial markets, many traditional model companies, and the upheaval of entire industries is in part due to the collapse of the masculine model of leadership and the old way of doing business, where:
>More is better.
>It’s a “you or me” world.
>That’s just the way it is.
>Command and control leadership.
>Individual heroic (I can do this alone) is the model.
>Focus on the mind as the primary method for determining the best strategies and solutions.
>Doing more, driving to get results, and striving to get things done.
....Is over.

More and more, women all over the planet are being called forth, by the universe, by spirit, by their inner voices to step in, step up, and step out. Personally, I am experiencing the emergence of the feminine model, in contrast to the masculine model above, where:
>We have more than enough. I am enough.
>It s a “you and me” world.
>There’s no such thing as “That’s just the way it is.”
>Collaboration, sisterhood, circles of women are forming all over the planet in ever increasing numbers. Women are bringing their uniqueness to the collective team in new ways to make a better product, outcome, and result.
>Affiliation is the model.
>Paying attention to our inner voices, accessing mindfulness and spirit to solve problems and find solutions.
>Love and power are now being integrated along with the mind as the primary methods for determining strategies, goals and outcomes.
>Supporting ourselves and others to flourish.
>Just being, experiencing the natural flow and creating space to let the answers come and the results unfold.

How many of you are doing things in your life, personally and professionally that you have never done before? Maybe even never dreamed of doing?

I say YEAH! Let’s keep going.

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