Sunday, April 8, 2007

How Magic Parties Began in the Fall of 2006

Back in the early spring, I twisted my ankle jogging. It was a stupid accident; I wasn’t looking where I was going, and my ankle just turned over. In June, the darn thing still hurt and didn’t seem to be getting any better, so I finally went to a podiatrist who confirmed I twisted it and assured me it would eventually heal completely. By September with still too much pain for something I had done 5 months earlier and now feeling even more aggravated because I hadn’t been able to exercise fully for way too many months, I went to see my friend, Melanie. Although Melanie’s training background is in physical therapy, she is a healer who uses many energy healing modalities, like Reiki and Cranial Sacral Therapy. To be honest, I’m not sure exactly what Melanie does or how she does it, but it always seems to work, and why I wait to go to see her until I am desperate is pretty foolish on my part since she is truly gifted.

Melanie confirmed the podiatrist’s twisted ligament diagnosis and said she thought she could help. So I hopped up on the table to await her hands manipulating my ankle in some way to make it all better. I was surprised that instead of her being at the bottom of the table working on my ankle, she sat next to the side of the table and told me to close my eyes and relax. She then put one hand under the small of my back and the other and under the back of my neck. Although I said nothing, I was wondering what she was doing but learned a long time ago that whatever she did worked no matter how unusual or unexpected it seemed at the moment.

With both of our eyes closed, Melanie started talking quietly to me as I began to sink into a dream like state. She then said she saw me at the ocean. I immediately conjured up a picture of the ocean in Negril, Jamaica, where my husband and I went on our first vacation together. She said, waiting for me in the ocean was a group of dolphins. She suggested that in my mind’s eye, I jump into the water with the dolphins, grab onto one of their dorsal fins and go for a ride. I cannot remember anything else Melanie said to me, and completely forgot I was there to fix my ankle, and instead was transported into a wonderland dream, swimming in the warm water with the dolphins in Jamaica.

The dolphins took me to an underground cave. We swam inside together. The inside of the cave was filled with aquamarine blue crystals, bright blue sparkling like diamonds on the ceiling, on the walls, on the cave floor. The entire cave was filled with this glittering crystal like image. At the back of the cave was a beautiful blond mermaid, beckoning me. As I swam closer, the mermaid asked me if there was something I wanted to know. I immediately replied that I wanted to see what my life purpose was and how I was suppose to manifest it, or what I was suppose to do with it. I had been wondering and asking myself this question now for about 6 months maybe longer without a clear answer. I was excited that this mermaid seemed to know things and I had a strong feeling she had THE ANSWER.

Instead of speaking, she magically pulled out a projection screen which she unrolled like a scroll and told me to watch the movie on the screen. The movie she said, would give me the answer I was looking for. I kept looking and looking at the screen certain there must be something to see, but it remained blank. Finally, frustrated, I blurted out, “The screen is blank, there’s nothing on it.” And wondered why she would show me a blank screen. There must be some mistake. She replied, “The screen is blank because you have to create the image yourself, no one can give it to you as it’s your to create.” I thought, oh great, out of all the mermaids, I had to find one that was into riddles. Knowing that these things sometimes work out, I gave her reply another chance and asked her for a hint since I was having a hard time knowing what I was suppose to create and struggling over the question of life purpose. She obliged. Immediately, up on the screen popped a picture of my living room filled with people I knew, sitting, talking, laughing, and creating something together. I couldn’t see what we were doing exactly but I had seen this picture a few times before in my dreams and it was definitely familiar and comforting. I told the mermaid that there must be some mistake because this couldn’t possibly be IT, the big life my living room?…with my friends? Her answer made me laugh. She said, “We (who’s we I wondered?) have shown you this picture many times before but you keep ignoring it. How many more times will you need to see it before you just get going and do it?” Do what? I asked? Have a party in my living room with friends? But what for? What will we do? She replied, “You’ll figure it out using your greatest gifts, your gifts of creating magic and healing others”.

And thus, The Magic Party began.

On one level this mermaid dream and message is very confusing and I have no real idea of what to do. On the other hand, pieces seem to be falling magically into place even though it doesn’t make any sense and I don’t know what I am doing. When I woke up from my dream on Melanie’s table, I told her about the mermaid, her message and the party idea. I hesitantly asked Melanie if she would come to a party, if I were to have one. She asked, ”What kind of a party? Before I could give it a second thought I blurted out, “A magic party” somehow certain I knew what I was talking about. She giggled and said, “Oooh, I can’t wait”. Which seems to be the response I am getting from everyone I have invited. When asked, what’s a magic party? I have no answer yet that makes sense. I wish I had thought to ask the mermaid. I have fumbled with, I’m not exactly sure, but the mermaid told me to do it so I am. Or…..I think it has something to do with our collective gifts and talents…and I guess we’ll all find out together”.

Why I think I can have this gathering and not know what to do once people get here is beyond my comprehension. I have a strong intuition though, it will be revealed to me at the perfect time. I am hoping the perfect time will be before my guests go home on party night.

I have asked each guest to bring with them, their greatest talent in the world, the one thing that makes them special and unique and be willing to share it. And bring an obstacle or challenge that they are ready to get rid of. I’m not sure what we will do with these two things, but I know these are the perfect things for them to bring. I wish I had a bit more clarity about the details as the party is just days away.

I have a feeling that the magic is already working since I decided on having this soiree. I can’t put my finger on anything specific but the energetic world around me has been buzzing for days. Every time I talk to one of my guests it’s as if electricity currents are passing between us. I can feel it. I don’t know what it is or what’s happening, but whatever it is I hope it’s awesome and life changing for all of us. It feels like it might be. I can’t wait to see what happens. Shouldn’t I know more since I’m the hostess and facilitator of the evening? Clearly NOT, since I remain virtually clueless of any details. I too will experience the magic of whatever will happen next Sunday nite. I know intuitively that this living room party with close friends and my hubby is the beginning of something bigger…maybe even my life purpose. I cannot wait!

Oh, and by the way, my ankle after being in pain for six months hasn’t hurt me, not even once, since I left Melanie’s house that afternoon. I wonder what the heck dolphins and a mermaid had to do with the healing of my ankle. Oh well, just another bit of universal magic.

with love,

The Magic Girl, Wendy


Anonymous said...

The Magic Parties get better and better! This last one was held at The Center at Westwoods (Massachusetts) in a beautiful and sacred space (light green marble fireplace, floor to ceiling windows overlooking lawns and gardens, statuary, crystals, blown glass chandeliers, and inlaid wood floors). But even better than the setting was the warmth of shared stories, exploring self, and opening hearts. Thank you, Wendy, for calling us together and giving the gift of sisterhood (and chocolate!) Can't wait til the next one!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about the magic almost daily since the last party. It seems to me that none of us can actually "decide" to make the magic happen, but rather, the magic happens on its own at just the right time. Several women at the party related instances where they had stopped "trying" to achieve an outcome or figure something out and, suddenly, magic happened . . . maybe because they simply believed in themselves or were able to let some part of their spirits free allowing their magic to shine. In any case, thinking about the magic has a very calming effect on me. I like it. I love the sharing and the sisterhood. (and, of course, the chocolate!)

Anonymous said...

We began the Magic Parties in September 2006. We convened as curious individuals, each making a commitment to ourselves. With each successive gathering, we have evolved into a community, a group soul emerging. Each party has had some old faces and some new ones. Women weave in and out; they come and take a new awareness out into their own worlds.

Since the Magic Parties began, I have been rewired and my spiritual journey has moved into the fast track, guiding me …to Hawaii for a spiritual retreat, to Greta Bro’s spiritual class, to the majesty of the Grand Canyon, soon to Jean Houston’s Mystery School…. It is clearer to me each day that we are raising our consciousness, building the healing feminine energy that is much needed on the planet now. Each gathering increases my vibrational level and my readiness to serve.

Wynne Miller, June 12, 2007

Unknown said...

I joined the Magic Parties on June 2, which energetically is a nice thing because it's my brother's birthday. The venue is so beautiful and peaceful... a welcoming of nature, calling me back. The gathering of women, mostly new people to me, also welcoming.

We were invited to notice, in the following weeks, what shifted.

For one thing, the journal writing was so from my unconscious that as I read now what I wrote then it is new to me. A wonderful sign that I was by-passing my everyday editor. Listening to my higher self.

Another thing is, I found myself saying during the retreat, "One of the many things that makes me know executive coaching is my right work, is that I see as I help my individual clients, that their transformation ripples out to their staff, out to their whole organization, and (they tell me) out to their personal lives."

The next day I met with a client as a mid-point check-in for coaching with three of their senior managers. They said, somewhat puzzled, "The work you have done with each of them is excellent, and has resulted in the changes we all agreed upon. But what's really great, is how each person's change has changed the whole company in such an unexpected way. Each person has shifted how the whole company works more cohesively together."