Why is it that whenever I go to seminar or meeting at the Career Center (Office of Workforce Development / Unemployment) I leave feeling much worse than when I arrived ?? There was an e-mail sent out regarding a two hour seminar on schooling to become a Phlebotomist and since I have been interested in getting involved in the medical field I thought "what great timing & what a great career". After the initial basic info was given the remainder of the 1/2 hour the meeting lasted was us being told how most of us would not qualify. (there were approx 20 in attendance and only 5 slots open) and again because of my "marketable skills" she doubted I would even be considered. WHAT ????? Don't these people live in the real world ?? Don't they know what it's like out there ?? And why do they have to be all doom and gloom all the time ?? Not only is it very humbling to be out of work and have to attend these meetings, but it is sooooo depressing having to be in such a negative environment. These workers need to get a clue and realize that although they are there to help us that they are doing the complete opposite - they are taking all the wind right out of our sails. The only good thing that came of this meeting was that I spoke to two other women - one has been out of work for over a year and the other has been out for almost two years and we all had the same feeling - we thought we were the only ones out there that have been out for so long and we all think that we must be doing something wrong to have bee unemployed for so long - especially with the feedback we get from this office. Oh well - onward and upward ??
My other dilemma I have had the past couple of weeks is when do you cross the line between being pro-active in your job search and being too aggressive ?? I applied for a job several weeks ago and whenever I have called to follow-up I have been given one excuse after the other - "I was on vaca", "Mothers Day set us back", "It has been an unusually busy week" always with the promise of a return call - guess what - no return call. I then received an e-mail from this company with a listing of all their job opportunities and the initial ones that I applied for are still on the list. How far do I push it - when do I try to escalate it to another person ?? At what point do I just "give up" and move on ?? This has been the issue right along - once I find a job opportunity that I would really like and apply to it - there is no response, no matter how many times you follow up. What gives ??
Being unemployed and having the lack of income and medical benefits has been extremely difficult, but it has taught me some valuable lessons. You realize that you can do without so much of what you thought you "needed" and still be happy with what you DO have. You downsize, cut back, re-group, re-think, and learn to live a much simpler life style which has been refreshing. BUT - what does one do when the unemployment runs out and you hit the bottom of the barrel - what then ?? That is where I stand right now - getting VERY nervous about that day and will I find some type of employment prior to that happening ??
Wish me luck as I continue my search as I wish you all luck in your searches - whatever they may be.
I remember when I wanted to switch careers many years ago. Every day I made calls to try and get interviews. It was really hard work. A friend of mine in sales told me to think about it as "counting nos". She said the more "nos" I heard each day, the closer I was to hearing a yes. Some days it was very discouraging.
You asked how many time shld you call and follow up and when does it border on being a nuisance or maybe they are trying to blow you off. I always tried 3 times. My own made up, rule of thumb. And I asked if the person wanted me to call back. If they said no, I didn't bother.
Keep hanging in there Paula, your luck is bound to change with your level of optimism and persistence!
I know it is very hard to deal with negative people when you are expecting uplifting, supportive, and encouraging. Even harder when you are needing uplifting, supportive and encouraging. The key to surviving that kind of energy is to have a different expectation. Do not expect them to be a source of positivity and inspiration. You carry those qualities within you and it is your gift to the poor souls who are stuck in that particularly negative way of being. Find the light within yourself and bring it to the Unemployment office as a gift that you offer them. You will see their whole affect change as you smile and reassure them that there is a job that perfectly suits you and you are making strides towards achieving it. Some days this will be hard to do, but you are purposeful and powerful! That is who you are. Not someone who has been discouraged into believing she is a victim.
Ride the wave and when you are in the dips and valleys, know that it is just temporary. Feel your feelings, and then move on because joy and success are riding the next wave!!
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