Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paula journals 5-11-10

I'm baaaaack:

I had to take a few days off - back-up, clear my head and re-group. I need to rethink my exact goals, needs, ambitions and abilities. I need to think about what I "must" do versus what I "want" to do and possibly combine the two. I am sure that I don't really want to spend my time sitting in a cubicle, staring at a computer with a phone to my ear. Although I have always been good at it I'm sure that is no longer my life long career goal - butttt. Other than that, my two choices were something in the medical field or something in the animal care field. I thought the animal care field would be easier and more realistic at this "stage of my life" but so far I'm finding that this might not be the case. I'm wondering if maybe I need to find a job that will fulfill my "needs" and maybe do my animal work on the side, maybe on a volunteer basis to fulfill my "wants" ???? I might have the opportunity to work in the home care field. I'm also going to a seminar on becoming a Phlebotomist. I can only keep all my options open at this point and maybe - just maybe the healthcare option might be my better option??

My goal for this week is to research some networking options. I LUV attending the "Girls Night Out" meetings and some of the connections I've made, but it only being once a month leaves a void. I've been advised to keep networking as much as possible because you never know when you'll come across someone or something that will open doors for you. My old High School has an Alumni networking group, I'm also going to check local libraries and a couple of other leads I've been given. Hopefully I'll have some exciting news in my next blog.

Till then - keep reaching for the stars !!

1 comment:

Magic Parties said...

Hi Paula, It is great to network in as many places as you can. I like your thinking about maybe doing something to make money and then working with your animals part time. I always think it you are worried about money, it is hard to really do anything else. Settle the money and then you settle yourself.