Well, this week was a test in fortitude! I have been traveling on business. Client dinners each night and meals at the client sites in the day mad me quite aware of how important it is to prepare ahead of time, both mentally and physically. I used shakes during the day, which I brought. They were easy and nutritious and allowed me to stay on track. For my dinners, I chose fish, veggies and salad. One evening I treated myself to dessert – fresh strawberries (you thought I caved, huh?). I was proud of myself but also realized something very important. Mentally, I am not ready to make all the choices yet. Old emotions, habits, and thinking crept in. For a split second, I thought, “Oh, how much would it hurt to have a real dessert with my client – we are celebrating!” NOTTTTTT!!!!! Food does not need to be my reward. Still have much work on the mental side of things but I am feeling great. I wore business clothes that I had not worn in years ….and they were loose! Looking in the mirror, there were times I didn’t recognize myself. Still a long way to go but moving along…..
With the tests of this week, I was reminded of a quote I heard a diet program in my past that has stuck with me – “Nothing tastes as good as being thin and fit feels!”
With that, I wish all a great week! Any exercise tips are appreciated!
I exercise a couple of times a week sometimes in a good week 4 times and the first phrase that came to mind when you asked for a tip was, "Just do it". I find I have better luck actually doing it, is when I schedule it into my calendar and then don't think too hard about the "appt", I just do it. Treat it like a biz mtg, which I would never miss just because I did not feel like going or something else came up. I find if I think about it, I can so so so easily talk myself out of it, so I try not to think too hard, just go. When I asked my husband for his advise, he says the trick is just to do anything at all that has you moving and that there are many things that you can do to get yourself moving. So get at it girl! You are an inspiration!
Wow! You are an inspiration all right! Great job sticking to it under such extreme temptation. As far as exercise goes....I highly recommend you get a dog! Ty has me walking two to four miles a day and if I don't, he is too hyper to handle. If having a dog is too much, how about a family walk after dinner every night? I know your boys would love this, and it would be a great way to get your husband away from his work for some quality family time. I am sure they would be happy to support you in this way and it also serves the purpose of bringing your family closer together.Keep up the great work, girl. You're doin' it!
Thanks for your thoughts Melanie, Wendy and Chris. Very helpful! It is a new week and I am on my way!!
Donna - I'm so impressed with your fortitude and stick-to-it attitude. You go girl! You do inspire me!
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