I tried it last year on vacation and failed. I promised myself I would not turn on my laptop or check my email for a week last year on vacation and only made it three days! How sad is that? Most of you are probably thinking, what the heck is she doing with her laptop on vacation? And that would be the right question.
I am so addicted to my email and my phone. I know I am not alone but that doesn't make it any easier knowing I have company in the addiction arena. I swore this time, I would do better. I started by leaving my lap top at home. Which may not seem like a big deal but my husband brought his and we were traveling with another couple and they EACH brought theirs. I was determined to leave mine behind and not use theirs. And once we left Miami for the Caribbean, I turned off my blackberry, promising myself I would not turn it back on until we returned a week later.
I did it!
I felt proud of myself. I was so less stressed. My acid reflux totally disappeared. I watched the ocean more and walked on the beach more while the others were checking in with work and their emails. I read a book and a half. And most of all I rested physically and mentally. It was good for me. I really needed it.
And it was worth the 500 emails I had waiting for me. So what it took 4 days to get through them all!
It was not easy and might take some practice to actually be able to do it again. But the rewards have me optimistic for July 4th weekend, my next foray into totally unplugging electronically.
1 comment:
My kids think I am anti-technology but it is really too much for me. It's addictive - I've been there with the emails until I realized I was checking every time I walked by the computer (20 times a day). And I thought why? I have a place in Maine with no phone, no TV, no computer and people worry about me, but it is going back to basics and it is really relaxing. So keep "unplugging" away and it will become easier.
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