Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Come to our summer retreat!

We have seven spaces left for our women's Magic Party retreat! The topic this year is intuition. Hear a little more about what to expect! If you are interested, register at "Events".

1 comment:

Magic Parties said...

The last summer retreat made an EXPLOSIVE impact on my life. (Do you recall that I identified two areas for dreaming? One was in deepening my relationship with my husband Jim and one was the idea of having a documentary on PBS.

I write to you from the absolute DREAM house that Jim and I have purchased together, in deep, glorious harmony. And in two weeks I will go in for the taping of the "Anna Huckabee Tull Television Special." Yep--that's right. Out of the blue, while I was at the Cable TV station helping Wendy get her start to her show, “Wake up with Wendy” and being her first guest on her show, the producer, offered me my very own TV special! Unsolicited, and totally unexpected!

Here's to all of you--and your profound ability to dream, and to see life more clearly, and to dare to ask for what you want, and to dare to recognize it when it begins to rain down on you in big happy swaths of manifestation. And here's to The Magic Parties for creating something phenomenal that passes the surest test of success--creating something that lives and stretches and grows out beyond the confines of what was initially conjured.

Thank you all for your part in my dreams coming true! It happened! I dreamed it, and the world shifted and rose up to meet me! WOW.