Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Magic Branding

In the past, I have found it difficult to articulate the answer to the question, "What is a Magic Party?" Aside from saying, it's a community of women who meet for the purpose of supporting each other, which doesn't really describe what happens or sound all that powerful, my friend Mara encouraged me to write a branding statement and suggested it would help the website designer as we are re-doing our Magic Party website. Well, there's nothing like designing a new website to help one get clearer and clearer about their message. (Oh and by the way, if you know a web designer that has a good understanding of branding as it is applied to website design, who can build an e-store, blog and knows the publishing tools needed to build an e-community please have them contact me.)

So, I thought I'd try out my new Magic Party statement here in the blog.

Magic Parties™ is an ever expanding community of women reaching around the globe who inspire and support each other to dream, grow and leave their own unique imprint on the universe for all time. One girlfriend at a time. Each vision magnified by the others. And of course, a little bit of chocolate makes the journey just a bit sweeter and a lot more fun!

I like it. What do you think?

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