We’ve started our teleclass, Dreams Into Actions…Powerful Beginnings and are now in our second week. In the first class, we announced our dreams to each other to put them “out there”. Some of us felt exhilarated by announcing our dreams out loud and some of us felt scared. Dreams of the women in our class included:
- balancing work and family better
- losing weight and getting healthy
- moving into career and work that we adore,
- being role models for our children
- making millions of dollars
- becoming an author
- being on television or having our own television show
If you are reading this, you too might start by announcing your dreams out loud. Select your audiences carefully and only declare your heart’s desire to those who support you unconditionally; otherwise your dreams may get canned before they have a chance to take flight.
To prepare for our second class, we were invited to work with a buddy to help support the actions we each agreed to take to move our dreams forward. I was pretty surprised by the range of experiences in an assignment that seemed so simple and easy to accomplish. Some women were psyched and their dreams got fueled by their enthusiasm and the support of those around them. Other women ran smack into their expected roadblocks when they announced their dreams to their family members who thought they were nuts.
I found myself jealous of my buddy’s success and accomplishments as we emailed our progress to each other daily. And then felt terribly guilty that I would feel this way about a woman I adore and respect; wondering what the heck is wrong with me?! I began to wonder how women can support each other unconditionally and cheer each other on, and not have it mean they are “less than” or unproductive themselves. I wonder if there is a way for each of us to ride in the wake (to use a boating term) of another’s momentum and success and use that energy to inspire us instead of making us feel inferior. I notice how much work I personally need to do in this arena.