Friday, June 20, 2008

Sex in the City

I just went to see Sex in the City with a girlfriend. It may not be quite our Magic Party brand of sisterhood, spirit, and a little chocolate, but it’s definitely the quintessential sisterhood and cosmos movie! There have been many reviews written about this film, some good and some not so good, but if you are an observer of women in girlfriend relationships like I am, this movie had lots to offer its audience.

As I sat watching the movie, I loved how these four women had so many characteristics in their relationship with each other that I value in my own relationships with my girlfriends.

  • Sticking with each other and being BFFs through good times and bad.
  • Watching each other’s backs and protecting each other, especially when their men went haywire.
  • Supporting each other’s dreams.
  • Celebrating each other’s successes.
  • Taking care of each other when the crap hits the fan.
  • Telling each other the truth no matter what.

Watching this movie actually made me re-evaluate my relationships with my girlfriends. I wondered would they come running and take care of me if my crap hit the fan? Would one of them come out in a snow storm in the middle of the night and sit with me when I needed it, even if I didn’t ask? Which one would tell my man that he better shape up, or else when he did something really stupid?

Most of all, this movie made me miss my girlfriends. I have two wonderful oldest and dearest girlfriends and when we do manage for the three of us to get together; we usually close some restaurant because we love being together so much. And lately we have all become way too busy climbing some ladder that we rarely have time for each other. And I miss them. This movie reminded me of their importance in my life and how we need to create time in our schedules to be together more often.

Upon arriving home from the movie, one of them called to ask me what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. I told her, “No presents this year, instead I want dinner together and a pajama party, just the three of us.” And we picked a date in a few weeks that actually works for us all. Woo hoo!

posted by Wendy Capland

Thursday, June 5, 2008

If I Were Brave

If I were brave. That is the question I carry in my heart from many Magic Parties. What would I do if I were brave? Taken from a wonderful song that was shared at many of the Magic Parties, this calls to my heart. “If I were brave, I’d walk the razor's edge…..If I were brave.” I practice being brave in my life. Brave to handle life’s ups and downs, brave to be a great wife and mother, brave to expand my business. Brave in my inner self – to love me and be courageous. Brave to stand up for my faith and beliefs. Brave to make the life I deserve. It is so much easier to be brave with the support system of other brave woman to stand with. The Magic Parties have introduced me to so many dynamic, fun, experienced, wise woman. They contribute to me each and every time I am with them. Their energy reaches a place in my soul that makes me feel alive! I look forward to each and every Magic Party – excited to see the magic that will be created just for me!

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Posted by Donna Iacopucci, Magic Party Council Member