Recently I went on a whale watch. It was on my list. You know - the list of things to do someday that we carry around in our hearts. Well, I finally went and it was great. We saw so many whales that morning, I practically had to pinch myself to make sure I was awake and in my real life and not dreaming. Anthony, our guide, was going to graduate school to study marine biology and knew everything we could ever want to know about whales. He happened to be standing behind me when my husband Chris said, "Honey, can you see the whale? It just went under the water right next to the boat." Having totally missed whatever Chris saw, I still tried hard to look into the water and see if there was anything left for me to see of the beautiful mammal as she dove down under our boat. "I can't see anything except for that smooth patch on top of the water. I guess I missed it," I answered. Anthony, having overheard our conversation replied, "See that smooth looking oil slick on the top of the water? That is what we call the whale's footprint; it's what they leave behind as they move to the next place along their journey." Footprint.
Just like whales we each leave a footprint in the world. Each of us is on our own journey, traveling it in our own way. We are meant to leave a footprint for others to see, to feel, and to follow. A mark. A tell tale sign that we were here. At Magic Parties, we call our footprint a wingprint (angels' wings, get it?) because it seems more spirit-filled. And we are meant to leave it on the universe together. Helping others. Healing the world with our touch. Making a difference in a wide variety of ways. Our ways. Your way. And helping others do the same by passing it on. So that eventually our wingprints change the world in small ways and in large ways and most importantly of all, in OUR OWN ways.
A call to action.
I call each of you to action. It's time to step forward. If you are hearing or reading these words it is because you are being called forth. By some universal spirit or force. It is not by accident or coincidence that you are here, now, reading this. Whether you are here for the first time, or you have been here many times. You are being summoned by the earth, by the sky and by your own guiding spirit.
It matters not that you feel ready.
It matters not that you uncertain if you are a believer.
It matters not that you can or can't see it all clearly.
It matters not that you don't know what to do.
It matters not that you are busy with your life.
It matters not.
It is time.
You are being called.
Let these words settle in your bones, just for an extra minute before reading further. So am I. Just like you. Being called forth. And it's time for us to start listening. Deeper. Quieter. More consciously. It is time.
You are meant to be in this magic community, to be part of a sisterhood of support, being supported and providing support for others all of us on our own journey. To be called forth into YOUR work. Hearing the universe whispering or shouting," The time is now!"
And only you know the answer to the question,
"Time for what?"
And we each have a different answer, an answer that is all our own. Uniquely ours.