Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Motherhood and Faith

Hello! This is my first official blog entry….ever. I don’t just mean on “The Magic Party” blog, but my first official leap into the world of blogging. I am moved by my experiences within this community of women and the feelings of “centeredness” when I leave the Magic Parties. Is centeredness a word? Maybe a better way to say it is to just simply say I feel more connected to myself! At any rate, I am so moved that I want to reach out and try to share those feelings and experiences. I am usually an active participant at The Magic Parties, but this time, my body and spirit were so tired, I really went to the party to quiet my inner self and reconnect. I am a single mother who works full-time. My son is going to be 11 in two days. We have a hectic life and my work schedule is crazy. It’s been a little more hectic since about mid-December. I left the party on January 22nd feeling refreshed and refocused. We talked about faith and fear. It’s interesting that faith is usually what can push us past many of our fears, and yet we still give in to so many of our fears. I have been worried, of late, about what kind of mother I am. Am I supporting my son enough or not enough? Am I teaching him how to be successful for the future or am I pushing too hard at times? What I realized is that I am afraid my son will not be successful and that it will be my fault for not teaching him all of the right things? Why am I focused on the future, especially in terms of college or beyond? He’s turning 11! I need to help him learn to do things on his own (in an age-appropriate manner), accept that he’s his own individual (he won’t like all of the same things I like) and he’ll choose what he wants to do in his life and the level of commitment he’ll apply to that. I am so fearful of not doing the right things for the future; I am missing out on the present. I am living in a fear-based place rather than a faith based place. He’s a great kid – he’s smart, creative and funny. I need to be the best Mom I can be, and yes, I’ll make mistakes along the way. The most important thing is I love him and I’m involved in his life. I just need to make sure I’m not “overly” involved. That is so much easier said than done I have a feeling, but I’m turning this over to faith. I’ve been told I’m really going to need a lot of faith when he hits his teenage years! I’ll work on it now and maybe in a few years I’ll be better equipped to manage through those challenges. I think I’ll end this blog with a quote I recently read. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968). That really hit home for me and they are words to live by! I don’t need to see where my son will be five years from now; I simply need to focus on taking one step and one day at a time. If I do that, I truly believe everything will work out. I have faith! Until my next blog, may your next step also be one filled with faith!

Posted by Kelly, Magic Party Council Member

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sense of Community

The feedback from the last Magic Party is pouring in from our attendees. This is what one magic woman had to say after coming to the Party on Saturday. " I think I came to understand this week, on a whole new level, what a real COMMUNITY, of souls and of energy, Wendy (and Magic Parties) is creating in bringing her vision to life through us."

All women are on a journey. Unique to each individual woman. Having a community of women to support each other, no matter where we are on our journey is awesome. Magic Parties is open to all women of all ages. We are an open community of women. Please come. We welcome you in. See our website and Our Events to find the schedule of what's happening.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The After January Party

25 women had a fun and inspirational time together last Saturday at the Magic Party . We all felt supported by each other as we talked about faith, our topic for the afternoon. We came to the conclusion that mostly we are afraid to do the things we dream about. And that fear stops us. And wondered what does it mean to trust our journey completely even when it turns your life upside down and spins it out of control. We wondered about embracing the fear which would mean knowing we were scared to death and moving forward anyway. And wondered about refusing to allow the fear to grab us. And how our lives might change if we could deal better day to day in the face of fear. And if we had faith, what would we do? If you had faith, what would you do? And imagined our lives just a little bolder and ourselves just a bit braver. One guest called me today and said she was inspired to now start her work day by sitting down at her desk first thing in the morning, closing her eyes, and asking herself, "If I were brave, what would i do today?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This Weekend's Magic Party

The Magic Party this weekend is going to be great. The theme of the Party is faith. Faith as it refers to a deep knowing about something without being able to touch it, hear it or see it. Why are we talking about faith this Saturday? Well, because many of us are used to thinking with our minds and moving through our lives based on seeing, hearing and touching facts, evidents and data. For many of us if we don't have visible proof of something we might not feel comfortable in making important decisions. I think facts and visible proof lives in our heads and minds and faith lives in our hearts and souls. Faith lives in the place somewhere deep inside us that just believes that it will all turn out, without knowing how, when or why. If we are going to do the work we are meant to do in the world, impact the people we are meant to impact, and have the kind of contributions we are meant to make we might have to listen to our hearts and souls a bit more. And give the guy in our head, that seems to speak with such authority as to why we shouldn't do something our heart is yearning to do, the day off....a time out...a vacation.